
partner blog

Lately, I have been spending lots of time with my indirect neighbors, the Vks, who I've been mentioned on this blog before.  They have a little farm, right here in the middle of the city.  They are very busy, all the time, and always appreciate help.  I do what I can, whether it's animal care, compost bin construction, taking the kids to the store etc. 

I suggested some kind of social media use to promote their efforts.  "Oh, yeah, cause I have LOTS of time for that!" said Mr Vk sarcastically.  No, I'm serious, I said.  I'll get it going, and maybe 11-year-old Dylan, (who does not have a fulltime job) can then make some updates?  Actually, yeah, good idea.  And Dylan would love it! 

So, that's started.  Check it out here.

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